Thursday, 15 February 2024

Gold Gym

We were sitting for a family dinner and discussing fitness. Vivaan was planning for cycling, Rayna talked about swimming, I opted for long walks, and when we looked at Reshu... 

She said she wants 'gold jewelry'.

Rayna was puzzled and quoted "What, What? How? Why?..." 

Reshu said, When she gets that she will feel better... And before Reshu could continue further...  

Rayna continued... Mom you need 'Gold... Gym', if you go to Gold Gym, you will be fine. 

Friday, 3 September 2021

Business - Make money

 I always have been asking the kids to learn some business ideas and work, so they know how money is made.

While they tried couple of ideas, Vivaan said he is young and will do it later. Rayna has been interested and keeps thinking of ways.

Today she said - Pappa, I have got the business which I want to do and it will make me money. See it has made me some money already.

I was very interested and asked - What is that?

She said - Rakhi !

See my bothers gave me so much money during rakhi.

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Nothing is difficult

Rayna was sitting along with me on the bed and doing math problems. For one question she didn't answer for a while so I asked why? She said it's difficult.
So I started on a philosophical lecture on nothing in life is difficult...
She stopped me after the first sentence and said if nothing is difficult then, go to the center of the bed and put both light switches from either side of the bed at one time.
Not to loose the tempo, I quickly went to the center of the bed and put on the home automation app, and started both lights together.
Hope she learnt that nothing is difficult.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

5th Birthday

Rayna is very clear on what she wants.

  • She wanted to take her friends to a soft play area for the party.
  • Wanted a Sofia the first theme.
  • Wanted a cake with roses, rainbow and Sofia with her pets on it.
  • Really wanted her friends to play Limbo.
  • Wanted to wear a Sofia Princess similar dress.

So she got it all.

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Fairies are good

Rayna loves playing the hand sanitizer...
once at home instead of washing her hands she kept pouring the sanitizer bottle all over her hands...

Reshma asked her to stop but she when she turned around for a second I picked up and hid the sanitizer.

Rayna was shocked to not find it but immediately knew tat I her fui had hidden it..she kept asking me for it and I repeatedly told her I dont have it.

So she asks if u dont have it..who does? Its only me and U in the room.  I told her I dont know someone took it...

She immediately thought of ghosts and ran and hugged me screaming "I am scared". I felt so sad to see her scared and tried telling her no dont be scared...

It could be a pretty fairy who took it away & fairies are nice beautiful creatures who protect us and take care of us always....
So she immediately asks me " if they are so nice..they wouldn't take peoples things...would they?!!"

I was stunned and speechless! Still am!!

Written by Deva Fui.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Birthday Invite

Rayna has selected her 5th birthday theme as 'Sofia the first'.

We got her birthday invites and she distributed to her friends at school, phoenix and roller skate classes. 

When she came home, Nana & Nani asked for her invite, so she though for a while and said, 'I will give you only one, because you stay in one house together only'.

Then Dada asked her to give one to God idol and invite the Gods, to which she replied 'No, they can not walk, how will they come'.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Guest at home

Jayesh Mama had come over with family to Mumbai.
We had just met and sharing our hello's.
Rayna did her round of chit chat too.

And then she got a call from her friend, asking her to come to the garden and play.
I though Rayna would have a question in her head on where to spend her time, with guest at home or with friends at garden.
But without a blink she looked at Jayesh Mama and spoke in the phone, "I have guest at home, they will be going in 30 minutes, I will see you at the garden then".

Jayesh Mama was shocked, he looked around and then told Hetal Mami, we have to go in 30 minutes.